Fit Manufacturing, LLC

Fit Manufacturing, LLC
1001 Spinks Road, Building 1, Flower Mound, Texas
Industrial Tenant Representation
Client: Fit Manufacturing, LLC

Challenge: Fit Manufacturing hired Jerad Rector and his team at Worldwide Commercial, PLLC to locate a 15,000 plus square feet industrial space to lease. Fit Manufacturing had a growing supplement company in need of a centralized US location for manufacturing and distributing the product. Their primary investor was based in Florida and sought to open and operate a new location in Dallas. In addition to being a startup company, they were having trouble with leasing agents and landlords not taking them seriously; due to their lack of experience, which led to numerous unreturned phone calls. Also, the tenant didn’t have a solid grasp on where to operate their facility nor the size needed for their operation.

Process: Worldwide Commercial’s strategy was to focus on a location specific to Fit Manufacturing’s needs which gave them the size they needed to operate efficiently but one which didn’t overwhelm the budget. We researched the market to find suitable options close to the airport along with landlords willing to work with a startup business with no track record. We coordinated multiple tours with our client at various properties north of D/FW airport.

Result: We located a suitable facility in Flower Mound, TX which accommodated our client’s needs and gave them an ability to expand. We aggressively negotiated abated rent, a turnkey TI allowance and an expansion option; which allowed our client to quickly grow into 22,070 square feet. Through our research, market knowledge, industry experience and strong negotiations, we secured favorable terms for our client as a startup company.

Value Added – $190,000